Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks

Private cellular networks

Industry leading end-to-end solutions

Providing cellular solutions and consultancy for private mobile networks: Ensuring reliable voice and data coverage across a wide range of sectors.

Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Network expertise

Private cellular
network expertise

Surrey Cellular is an industry leading reseller and consultancy for private cellular networks in the UK. Born from the cellular infrastructure world, private cellular networks demand a different approach to WiFi/data infrastructure and require specialist skills, knowledge and equipment to deploy effectively. We partner with the industry leaders to provide best-in-class, end-to-end solutions.

Surrey Cellular - Why choose Private Cellular Networks

Why private
cellular networks

As the demand for digital communication increases, particularly inside buildings, conventional methods for deploying wireless connectivity are increasingly not delivering the performance, control and security needed to satisfy the demands of the market. Private cellular (4G and 5G) networks bring distinct benefits, especially for business critical and safety/security critical applications.

Coverage reliability, safety and security advantages

Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks with enhanced security

Enhanced security

Superior service security based on SIM-based authentication and enhanced data security

Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks with improved reliability for critical applications

Improved reliability

Improved control and management of connectivity with better reliability and resilience

Surrey Cellular - Increased network coverage

Increased coverage

Increased availability and coverage through new spectrum bands which are specifically available for private cellular networks

Surrey Cellular - End-to-end Networks


Full control over the usage of the network end-to-end

Surrey Cellular - Low latency private networks

Low latency

Low latency enables near real-time communication for IoT applications such as remote activation and robotics

Surrey Cellular - Network optimisation

Network optimisation

Network slicing allows the network to be optimised for the needs of specific user groups, devices or applications over the same infrastructure

Fast and secure private cellular networks

With flexible and scalable solutions

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Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Network Sectors

Fast and secure private cellular networks

With flexible and scalable solutions

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Key industry sectors

Business and mission critical communication networks for voice and data traffic for a wide range of sectors and applications.

Surrey Cellular - Healthcare
Surrey Cellular - Enterprise
Enterprise (office space)
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks for Hospitality
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks for industry and off-shore
Industrial & Off-shore
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks for Defence
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks for public safety
Public safety
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular Networks for Internet of Things
IoT (internet of things)
Surrey Cellular - Private Cellular for Fixed Wireless Networks
Fixed wireless access (wireless broadband)

Contact us

Find out how a private cellular network can help: With solutions bespoke to the needs of your organisation and users.

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